Wednesday, August 22, 2012

He Likes It...Hey Mikey!

Does anyone remember Mikey?

Well, I'm not actually talking about cereal but that was a cool commercial.  

I am talking about Middle School!  
The 6th grade to be exact.  

We got out of the house on time this morning and I was all set to walk Michael onto campus and to his first class.  
As it turns out my soon to be 12-year-old looked at me and said...
 "Nope, not gonna happen, Mom."

He wanted us to drop him off in the parking lot and 
he stated that he would be taking things from there.

All I can remember stammering was, "but...but...but" as I stared out the windshield at what appeared to be giants trying to
 masquerade around as 7th and 8th graders.

How would he find his classroom?  His friends?  
I mean we did do the walk around after we picked up
 his schedule the day before but would that be enough?  

Turns out it was enough.

He loved his first day of middle school.  
He likes all his teachers and he didn't have any
 trouble finding his way around.



  1. Ha, I remember those days's not cool to be seen with Mom and Dad when you're in middle school, but there's hope; they eventually get over it!

  2. Hi Bodhi, yes, I remember those days, too. I had to park around the corner, as I had the dreaded 'mini-van'. Can you imagine? How embarrassing! I was very popular, though, when it came to hauling half a team of baseball players around! Still...I know how you feel. They grow up fast, don't they? xx

  3. I didn't know what to do with myself, LOL! I drove around the block one more time (unbeknownst to him, of course!) just to make sure he made it onto campus okay--Ha! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone, Ladies!

  4. Hard to let them go, isn't it? Successful parenting is an endless series of letting go...

  5. So nice to "meet" you! My "Baby" is a Senior this year...taking one dual-credit class at the local university satellite was all I could do not to walk in there with him! LOL
    (Yes, I used to drive around once more, too, as I couldn't always see him go inside after he got out of the car...)
    Anne (Now following you!)

  6. So glad your son had a great first day. My son starts middle school next year. I'm nervous for him, but like your son I'm sure he'll be fine.

  7. Hi Brandy! I think we have more trouble with them starting middle school then they do, LOL.


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